Thursday, April 18, 2013


Last night I saw Sigur Ros for the first time.  That's all I need to say about that.

This morning I took my class to see the incredibly inspirational movie 42, about Jackie Robinson, the first baseball player to break the race barrier.  My students loved it and learned a lot about the racial history of the US, about which they had been asking me a lot lately.  I loved the powerful lessons about perseverance and responsibility to others even when no else has done specifically what you're doing, whatever it is.  That man stayed calm in the face of the most ridiculous instigation and taunting in public even though he lost his cool and broke down in private at some points.  He did this because he knew there was too much riding on it for others, and that what he was doing was bigger than he was.  He was able to do this because other people believed in him and told him so, even if they hadn't been through what he was going through.  The more that he naturally just showed what he could do, the more the sad traditions of racism, prejudice and hate began to crumble, however painstakingly slowly.

After the movie I finally visited Japan town and found C.C. Lemon in a grocery store.  I haven't seen it since living in Tokyo.  I didn't want to carry around a several liter bottle at the time, so I'll have to go back to get my fix, but they also had my favorite Japanese vitamin water from back in the day, which was delicious and very welcome since I appear to be fighting off the beginning's of a minor head cold.  Hopefully I just need more sleep.  All I wanted to do after seeing Sigur Ros was go camping in Yosemite, but I might have to be patient on that one.  I've already been there anyway, but it would be nice to go on an adventure again.

Either way, spring continues to bloom.

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