Saturday, July 12, 2014

Eat, Enjoy, Energize

This is great!

I am working more than I have since harvest 2012.  43 hours in five days.  I know many people work much more than that.  I am not competing.  I am happy to be able to work and do something I enjoy for now, and keep going toward what I really love.

I celebrated at a Phish concert with a friend tonight.  I had never seen Phish in New York City before.  I usually think of the country when I think of them.  They played "Golden Age," which was the true meaning of the word awesome.  I know people say that word very often, but I am happy to say it anyway.  How else could I feel?  The entire New York City skyline was behind the stage.

Today I had a new class that meets once every seven days.  We are given a topic to discuss, without a textbook.

Luckily, the topic was "food."

I hadn't had time to prepare, but just like all of my favorite improvising musicians, I go with what feels right based on what I know, and do my best to help those in the class to express what they want to say.

Everyone has their own taste, but we all love food.

World: I'll keep it coming if you do.

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