1st things first: the letter you say just like "sea" doesn't work when I press the key on my p.sea. Recently, when I try to press "see" and then press other keys, it starts automatically activating the "si" key, so I get a string of them across my screen, whether it's in a word processor, the web address line, or anything else I want to see. Sometimes I write a sentence ancd itc ctucrcncsc ouct licke tchcisc. In previous days it would do this quite often for no apparent reason, even if I hadn't touched the keyboard. I have had the challenge of writing daily in my journal due to this letter behaving as wildly as the human story, whether understood musically, religiously, scientifically, governmentally, economically, artistically, and on and on with new words from infinity.
I wrote the first draft of this while on break at work, thus the obvious appearance of this letter of which I speak. I began to edit this at home, and soon realized that I needed to be imaginative when it came to writing the letter sea. Then I figured out that I could simply copy and paste the letter from the original. This has made the process slower and frustrating, but sometimes something you need isn't there, and you have to improvise. It takes longer, but it's the only way. And there is always pencil and paper. I wrote "Hero Journey In the Himalaya With a Guide Named Buddha" on a yellow legal pad in a hotel room in the northern foothills of the India Himalaya. Approaching the story this way to some degree may evoke a special memory, insight or emotion from the journey.
Also worth mentioning, in the ever present journey of understanding the world and how best to move with the world, I've been reading about why the economy is the way it is, has developed the way it has, and how they still really don't understand very much about why it works the way it does, just like many universal mysteries. They certainly have learned a lot, and brilliant minds have helped us solve problems and move forward, but there's always a new mystery to befuddle the most brilliant business brains, on top of other persistent mysteries that appear to be solved and then turn out to have new dimensions. I say all of this to illustrate the contrast of reading about industrial capitalists, aristocratic land-owners in England, and the basic ideas of property ownership and conspicuous consumption with my present situation of barely holding on for the next pay check (taking a week of unpaid vacation involves some economic patience afterward) and finding that most of my few prized possessions are beginning to stop working properly.
While on vacation these headphones I am so blessed to have at all, well, they began to short out. I am so happy there are the beautiful sounds in the first place, but even so, I have to hold them perfectly still and adjust them very carefully for a while before finding the exact right spot where both headphones work, but that remedy will only work for so long. If I take them off for any reason, I have to do it again. You may think of embracing heavenly vibrations as a minor activity, but music saves my soul from the toll of constantly hearing those wheels roll on the street below. I think it's simply a communication problem between the opposite ears. Music usually calms my fears, which makes me happy, enthusiastic and positive around other people, so the expense is worth the energy
The world has righted the balance for me by giving me a TV so I can experience visual imagination with more easily visible quality. I applaud the TV, amidst many other friends given to me from reality and accepted thankfully. Specifically, I accepted this 27" TV in front of me, the first of its kind to exist in my place to be. Before you flip out on me, you should know that I only have a TV because my newish roommate has lent one to me because he recently bought a TV about four times the size of the one in front of me, and for not that much more money, if my memory serves me correctly. This is another reason why my recent trend of certain possessions slowly deserting into a worthless sea of obscurity didn't bother me as much as that would normally. Yet another example is my classic iPod's battery, the only handheld gadget that really truly means something to me (someone always has a phone if you really need to make a call). I learned a few days ago that they will not make classic iPods anymore, and the battery on my current favorite iPod which has served me on many a wondrous journey is starting to go for shorter and shorter stretches before needing a charge. It won't matter how much money I have when I want a new one: they won't make them anymore, because they said they can't get the parts, and it isn't in their financial interest as the most valuable company in the world to find a new way to make them even though that same miracle of innovative vibratory communication is what truly endeared them to our collective human imagination after they had gone for long periods of creative stagnation. Now we can communicate whatever we want whenever we want, and at the same time spend less time looking at the people who are in front of us and want to communicate directly. The small screen is truly making the scene lately. As for me, I've been so focused on other experiences that I've just joined the wave of having my own gigantic screen. Then again, it is still a p.sea., because I don't have a cable connection, so I'm just making the world wide web larger with higher definition. Trust me, these enormous images relived from this journey with reality are helping this soul achieve an important creative goal.
Then, on Tuesday night, I learned people were angry about the current powerful "party" not fixing the challenges fast enough. These spring forth from the life we all live together. Even so, if you want to view the world through the lens of elections, plenty of these challenges were manifested by the efforts, influence and openly acknowledged goals of the previous "party," so apparently "we" want the previous "party" to get back to applying the very same game that formed challenges for all of us to get angry about in the first place. The Daily Show bemoaned the victory of "money" over "ideas." That sounds about right, but it didn't really get to me that night. I'd recently read about wars and economic depressions, so I wasn't as dismayed as I would have been ten years ago when I was studying government every day. Despite overcoming the initial disappointment of the election results, at the end of the night I sat in my reclining chair (which I received as a hand-me-down gift about two months ago, marking the end of a five and half year period of living without a remotely comfortable chair), and, keeping with the spirit of that night's events, the right side decided to stop cooperating with the rest of the body and detached itself. The screws were not only loose, but they had completely fallen out. Of course, this very suddenly caused the entire chair, and me, however briefly, to fall to the floor. Luckily, I wasn't hurt. I stood right back up. The first thing I did was inspect both sides and conclude that everything could easily be put back together again. Things break, and we repair them. I did not panic or get angry, which happens sometimes when inanimate objects reveal their shares of surprises. It seemed fitting at the time. I had waited a long time for this chair though, so I wasn't going to give up that easily. I simply turned on the light so I could see more accurately, flipped the chair over, studied it's dirty webbed underside, found the place where the screws had come out, found my tool kit, and got to work. I didn't have enough screws in the kit in my room, and it was very late at night, so I waited until the next evening to go to my vehicle to get better devices from the box and finish the job. The chair still works, the gadgets will once again work properly, eventually, the country still works, albeit to differing degrees for you and me and he and she, and most importantly, life still works in ways that go beautifully beyond words like money, although it may not appear that way every day to everybody, what with all the painful problems afflicting humanity.
Of course, after maintaining my calm on Tuesday, without much of a problem, I was stricken with a rare bout of insomnia last night. I used to have it all the time in college, but it hasn't been a problem for years. And then, out of nowhere, I couldn't fall asleep. I was hungry, and the pantry wasn't exactly empty, but it wasn't exactly plenty either. I ate what little I had left, but I was unable to fall asleep until 5 am this morning. I woke up two hours later to find that it was raining steadily. Of course, I was making small mistakes during my morning routine because I was so tired, so it took me a little longer to get out the door, and a little behind schedule at that. Naturally, I felt somewhat frustrated as I approached the train to begin my six hour teaching day. I don't care if people respect my professions, because I spend my time helping people enjoy the present and the future through communicating effectively and, when possible, playfully. Whether I'm working 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 hours, I have to use all of my improvisational, creative and communicative powers while attempting to transmit knowledge, wisdom, smiles and feelings of freedom and bravery to whoever is willing to play this language with me.
As I waited for the train, I saw a guy next to me wearing a cap supporting the Memphis Grizzlies basketball team. There was a picture of a gigantic, ferocious grizzly bear holding a ball in his enormous furry paw. I instantly remembered a certain walk in a park well after dark. As the 1 train approached, I decided life has been treating me incredibly well, and I am thankful to you for this.
I would learn that that wasn't even the most dangerous animal I would symbolically encounter today. While traveling in the American West I had been honestly concerned about the possibility of an invisible gargantuan grizzly bear appearing from behind the trees in the dark of night and tearing me limb from limb while I froze petrified with fright. That's the memory that the man's hat on the train brought back to my brain. After arriving at work and beginning class I had another flashback. 5 years ago my imagination of the future had suffered much more fear from the sheer idea of sitting somewhere in India or Southeast Asia and hearing the sudden high-pitched emergence of miniscule malarial mosquitoes. About halfway through the first group of international students attempting to improve their understanding and use of the most widespread language in the world, we learned from the text book that mosquitoes are indeed the most deadly animal in earthly existence, killing two million people with malaria every year. When the students emitted high pitched whines about their impending future of facing the routine weekly five point evaluation, I didn't have to work too hard to put things in perspective for them. You just need to focus people's imagination.
As for you, this is my thesis of the economy, that word which supposedly summarizes the symphony of human moments that are based in being yet always manifest as ever-evolving experiences of almost everything imaginable, which would inevitably, amongst it's infinitely creative variety of relativity, involve trades of energy acting as material entities which those who speak the lingua franca fluently eventually named money, amongst infinite entities acting with plenty of loving humanity.
I am thinking about bears, whether polar, black, panda, yogi, or grizzly, and mosquitoes, however many varieties of those necessary nuisances there may be, and all the rest of fear flag flying forces from infinity whose purpose within divinity is to make you remember what it truly means to be brave and free. What we like to call money will help us trade what we have with ourselves and sometimes give us green art to wonder upon while waiting in the queue to trade the green paper for life giving energy food. I also have learned that I may buy bear mace to keep the confused, fearful and rare predatory bear out of our face, and a bear box to keep our food safe and prevent that which may steal the true joy from our lives from entering our place, mosquito spray so we can feel like we are doing something every day to keep the fear away, and some clothing so they can see they may as well leave us be. That's what money can do in the fight to keep you loving U, which includes everything, even you. I also understand the scenario that most malaria bears don't care whether we have any profound ideas to spare. Perhaps... but who sees through those I's we call theirs? Something invisible in the air? Is there loving wisdom which cares? Where can we find this mind? Do our ideas make our way in there?
Most humans have yet to ask me. They ask the TV. Recently, in between speaking directly with humanity, spending time with you on public transportation, seeing you on the street whether walking with you or in my window seat, reading your words in books and writing my own to strengthen your story, I watched the TV. I learned that my country, one of 200 or so, approximately, said they were impatient with economic improvement, and wanted the government to change everything so that life would be excellent. Actually, it wasn't the entire country. It was a very small part of the entire country, in fact. Even so, they elected more representatives from the group of people who are audacious enough to call themselves a party while playing a game named capitalize on blame, grabbing life's ears with production of fear, which, even without their help, is always near. Thankfully, you have life, and we have life, and life is everywhere, and life cares about your shares of dares with bears.
I enjoy the TV's input, but I will continue to ask people I know what they know, then ask new people what they know, and tell them what I know about where the show makes me go, and read what the universe's imagination seed, and listen to the music of heaven's inspiration to generate sensation.
Values based on financial fear and cultural smear cannot come near to the vivifying value of vibrant living art we produce with hearts and minds from this aye of soulful human kind.
I wrote the first draft of this while on break at work, thus the obvious appearance of this letter of which I speak. I began to edit this at home, and soon realized that I needed to be imaginative when it came to writing the letter sea. Then I figured out that I could simply copy and paste the letter from the original. This has made the process slower and frustrating, but sometimes something you need isn't there, and you have to improvise. It takes longer, but it's the only way. And there is always pencil and paper. I wrote "Hero Journey In the Himalaya With a Guide Named Buddha" on a yellow legal pad in a hotel room in the northern foothills of the India Himalaya. Approaching the story this way to some degree may evoke a special memory, insight or emotion from the journey.
Also worth mentioning, in the ever present journey of understanding the world and how best to move with the world, I've been reading about why the economy is the way it is, has developed the way it has, and how they still really don't understand very much about why it works the way it does, just like many universal mysteries. They certainly have learned a lot, and brilliant minds have helped us solve problems and move forward, but there's always a new mystery to befuddle the most brilliant business brains, on top of other persistent mysteries that appear to be solved and then turn out to have new dimensions. I say all of this to illustrate the contrast of reading about industrial capitalists, aristocratic land-owners in England, and the basic ideas of property ownership and conspicuous consumption with my present situation of barely holding on for the next pay check (taking a week of unpaid vacation involves some economic patience afterward) and finding that most of my few prized possessions are beginning to stop working properly.
While on vacation these headphones I am so blessed to have at all, well, they began to short out. I am so happy there are the beautiful sounds in the first place, but even so, I have to hold them perfectly still and adjust them very carefully for a while before finding the exact right spot where both headphones work, but that remedy will only work for so long. If I take them off for any reason, I have to do it again. You may think of embracing heavenly vibrations as a minor activity, but music saves my soul from the toll of constantly hearing those wheels roll on the street below. I think it's simply a communication problem between the opposite ears. Music usually calms my fears, which makes me happy, enthusiastic and positive around other people, so the expense is worth the energy
The world has righted the balance for me by giving me a TV so I can experience visual imagination with more easily visible quality. I applaud the TV, amidst many other friends given to me from reality and accepted thankfully. Specifically, I accepted this 27" TV in front of me, the first of its kind to exist in my place to be. Before you flip out on me, you should know that I only have a TV because my newish roommate has lent one to me because he recently bought a TV about four times the size of the one in front of me, and for not that much more money, if my memory serves me correctly. This is another reason why my recent trend of certain possessions slowly deserting into a worthless sea of obscurity didn't bother me as much as that would normally. Yet another example is my classic iPod's battery, the only handheld gadget that really truly means something to me (someone always has a phone if you really need to make a call). I learned a few days ago that they will not make classic iPods anymore, and the battery on my current favorite iPod which has served me on many a wondrous journey is starting to go for shorter and shorter stretches before needing a charge. It won't matter how much money I have when I want a new one: they won't make them anymore, because they said they can't get the parts, and it isn't in their financial interest as the most valuable company in the world to find a new way to make them even though that same miracle of innovative vibratory communication is what truly endeared them to our collective human imagination after they had gone for long periods of creative stagnation. Now we can communicate whatever we want whenever we want, and at the same time spend less time looking at the people who are in front of us and want to communicate directly. The small screen is truly making the scene lately. As for me, I've been so focused on other experiences that I've just joined the wave of having my own gigantic screen. Then again, it is still a p.sea., because I don't have a cable connection, so I'm just making the world wide web larger with higher definition. Trust me, these enormous images relived from this journey with reality are helping this soul achieve an important creative goal.
Then, on Tuesday night, I learned people were angry about the current powerful "party" not fixing the challenges fast enough. These spring forth from the life we all live together. Even so, if you want to view the world through the lens of elections, plenty of these challenges were manifested by the efforts, influence and openly acknowledged goals of the previous "party," so apparently "we" want the previous "party" to get back to applying the very same game that formed challenges for all of us to get angry about in the first place. The Daily Show bemoaned the victory of "money" over "ideas." That sounds about right, but it didn't really get to me that night. I'd recently read about wars and economic depressions, so I wasn't as dismayed as I would have been ten years ago when I was studying government every day. Despite overcoming the initial disappointment of the election results, at the end of the night I sat in my reclining chair (which I received as a hand-me-down gift about two months ago, marking the end of a five and half year period of living without a remotely comfortable chair), and, keeping with the spirit of that night's events, the right side decided to stop cooperating with the rest of the body and detached itself. The screws were not only loose, but they had completely fallen out. Of course, this very suddenly caused the entire chair, and me, however briefly, to fall to the floor. Luckily, I wasn't hurt. I stood right back up. The first thing I did was inspect both sides and conclude that everything could easily be put back together again. Things break, and we repair them. I did not panic or get angry, which happens sometimes when inanimate objects reveal their shares of surprises. It seemed fitting at the time. I had waited a long time for this chair though, so I wasn't going to give up that easily. I simply turned on the light so I could see more accurately, flipped the chair over, studied it's dirty webbed underside, found the place where the screws had come out, found my tool kit, and got to work. I didn't have enough screws in the kit in my room, and it was very late at night, so I waited until the next evening to go to my vehicle to get better devices from the box and finish the job. The chair still works, the gadgets will once again work properly, eventually, the country still works, albeit to differing degrees for you and me and he and she, and most importantly, life still works in ways that go beautifully beyond words like money, although it may not appear that way every day to everybody, what with all the painful problems afflicting humanity.
Of course, after maintaining my calm on Tuesday, without much of a problem, I was stricken with a rare bout of insomnia last night. I used to have it all the time in college, but it hasn't been a problem for years. And then, out of nowhere, I couldn't fall asleep. I was hungry, and the pantry wasn't exactly empty, but it wasn't exactly plenty either. I ate what little I had left, but I was unable to fall asleep until 5 am this morning. I woke up two hours later to find that it was raining steadily. Of course, I was making small mistakes during my morning routine because I was so tired, so it took me a little longer to get out the door, and a little behind schedule at that. Naturally, I felt somewhat frustrated as I approached the train to begin my six hour teaching day. I don't care if people respect my professions, because I spend my time helping people enjoy the present and the future through communicating effectively and, when possible, playfully. Whether I'm working 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 hours, I have to use all of my improvisational, creative and communicative powers while attempting to transmit knowledge, wisdom, smiles and feelings of freedom and bravery to whoever is willing to play this language with me.
As I waited for the train, I saw a guy next to me wearing a cap supporting the Memphis Grizzlies basketball team. There was a picture of a gigantic, ferocious grizzly bear holding a ball in his enormous furry paw. I instantly remembered a certain walk in a park well after dark. As the 1 train approached, I decided life has been treating me incredibly well, and I am thankful to you for this.
I would learn that that wasn't even the most dangerous animal I would symbolically encounter today. While traveling in the American West I had been honestly concerned about the possibility of an invisible gargantuan grizzly bear appearing from behind the trees in the dark of night and tearing me limb from limb while I froze petrified with fright. That's the memory that the man's hat on the train brought back to my brain. After arriving at work and beginning class I had another flashback. 5 years ago my imagination of the future had suffered much more fear from the sheer idea of sitting somewhere in India or Southeast Asia and hearing the sudden high-pitched emergence of miniscule malarial mosquitoes. About halfway through the first group of international students attempting to improve their understanding and use of the most widespread language in the world, we learned from the text book that mosquitoes are indeed the most deadly animal in earthly existence, killing two million people with malaria every year. When the students emitted high pitched whines about their impending future of facing the routine weekly five point evaluation, I didn't have to work too hard to put things in perspective for them. You just need to focus people's imagination.
As for you, this is my thesis of the economy, that word which supposedly summarizes the symphony of human moments that are based in being yet always manifest as ever-evolving experiences of almost everything imaginable, which would inevitably, amongst it's infinitely creative variety of relativity, involve trades of energy acting as material entities which those who speak the lingua franca fluently eventually named money, amongst infinite entities acting with plenty of loving humanity.
I am thinking about bears, whether polar, black, panda, yogi, or grizzly, and mosquitoes, however many varieties of those necessary nuisances there may be, and all the rest of fear flag flying forces from infinity whose purpose within divinity is to make you remember what it truly means to be brave and free. What we like to call money will help us trade what we have with ourselves and sometimes give us green art to wonder upon while waiting in the queue to trade the green paper for life giving energy food. I also have learned that I may buy bear mace to keep the confused, fearful and rare predatory bear out of our face, and a bear box to keep our food safe and prevent that which may steal the true joy from our lives from entering our place, mosquito spray so we can feel like we are doing something every day to keep the fear away, and some clothing so they can see they may as well leave us be. That's what money can do in the fight to keep you loving U, which includes everything, even you. I also understand the scenario that most malaria bears don't care whether we have any profound ideas to spare. Perhaps... but who sees through those I's we call theirs? Something invisible in the air? Is there loving wisdom which cares? Where can we find this mind? Do our ideas make our way in there?
Most humans have yet to ask me. They ask the TV. Recently, in between speaking directly with humanity, spending time with you on public transportation, seeing you on the street whether walking with you or in my window seat, reading your words in books and writing my own to strengthen your story, I watched the TV. I learned that my country, one of 200 or so, approximately, said they were impatient with economic improvement, and wanted the government to change everything so that life would be excellent. Actually, it wasn't the entire country. It was a very small part of the entire country, in fact. Even so, they elected more representatives from the group of people who are audacious enough to call themselves a party while playing a game named capitalize on blame, grabbing life's ears with production of fear, which, even without their help, is always near. Thankfully, you have life, and we have life, and life is everywhere, and life cares about your shares of dares with bears.
I enjoy the TV's input, but I will continue to ask people I know what they know, then ask new people what they know, and tell them what I know about where the show makes me go, and read what the universe's imagination seed, and listen to the music of heaven's inspiration to generate sensation.
Values based on financial fear and cultural smear cannot come near to the vivifying value of vibrant living art we produce with hearts and minds from this aye of soulful human kind.
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