Monday, December 17, 2018


1st of all, I'm not a huge fan of last week.  My schedule for the next session got switched to nights, but it doesn't go into effect until I get back from my Christmas vacation, so today and tomorrow I have free afternoon's.  On Thursday I got to relish in another session completed, wished numerous students well in their future endeavors, and was happy to be listening for the first time to this great song by John Mayall called "The Bear" when I got to my car and noticed someone had smashed my window... again... and they didn't even steal anything!  All they accomplished was making a mess... and carrying out the grand workings of destiny, I would suppose.

So today, because I had the afternoon free, I was able to meet the glass technician by my car and read Ron Chernow's biography Grant for an hour while he repaired my window.  As fate would have it, I read about Johnson getting impeached, reconstruction and Grant being sworn in as president all while viewing his tomb, the largest mausoleum in America, in the background.

When my window was broken in the spring, it took the company four tries to actually bring the correct window, but today the first time was the charm.

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