Friday, January 31, 2020

When I was on sports teams years ago,  the coaches always told us that if we played with fear, with our main goal being to avoid getting hurt, then we were more likely to be injured.  If we played hard the best way we could, then we would be fine.

When you play to avoid losing, you rarely win.

When you play to win, good things begin.

I want to win.

Now go win!
A few years ago, when I was marching against the outcome of the election, I joined the march at the New York Public Library.  I also happened to take a picture of a guy wearing clothes with Bernie Sanders' face everywhere.   When I shared photos of the library and the marchers on social media, I urged people to read more books.

I've been trying to keep up my end of the bargain since.  Seeing as how this month is 1/20, inauguration is clearly this month's poetry.  Thus, although I have more novels awaiting on my pile, I've spent much of the past month reading up on the political situation.

I will give more details about my opinions of these books in a few days, but seeing as how I only have five minutes left in the month, here's who I've been learning from:

1776 by David McCullough
A Fighting Chance by Elizabeth Warren
Our Revolution by Bernie Sanders
Eaarth by Bill McKibben
On Fire by Naomi Klein
The Affluent Society by John Kenneth Galbraith
Education and Experience by John Dewey
Leadership In Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin

I also began reading essays from Noam Chomsky's Who Rules the World?, and I have just begun Paul Krugman's Arguing With Zombies.

I also look forward to reading Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Langston Hughes, James Baldwin, Richard Wright and Alice Walker next month.

Friday, January 24, 2020

I have read five books in the new year, or six if you count the one I began last year and completed on January 1.  I am hoping to read three more before February, or complete two and most of a third in the next seven days

Thursday, January 23, 2020

I've been reading a lot of books lately which all seem to ultimately be telling me: the world needs saving more than ever!  We're not just talking The United States/Europe/Asia, but everything!  The climate!  The environment!  Our food!  Water!  Humanity!  Truth!  Justice!  Freedoms that actually matter!  Many of the solutions imply that whether we like it or not, some time in the future we won't be able to enjoy all of our creature comforts.  This is not to imply that solutions necessarily entail all of us embracing asceticism.  We just need less greed.

The key is "we."  Luckily for my blood pressure, the one I am reading now just reminded the reader that we can't do it all alone.  Solitude provides respite and necessary balance, but ultimately, we simply must work together.

In that vein, we wrapped up our class today with a discussion of which technology we couldn't imagine living without.  I got the idea from one of the earlier essay questions, which had asked them to agree or disagree with the statement that engineers and scientists have done more for society than artists and writers.  The standardized test loves to pit groups against one another instead of finding how they can work together.  Interestingly, the common instinct for students is to find a way they can work together, even if the man-made test demands one choose a side.  After all, certain people where both hats.

Thus, while the students mostly listed technology that had been invented in the past ten years (social media, smart phones, internet maps), I thought about all the times I'd gone without even the basic ones which came up here and there (electricity, transportation, etc.).  People almost never say plumbing for some reason, which would probably be first on my list, given all the times I've gone without for days on end... or met people who barely had any to begin with.  Clean running water, the miracle of miracles...

I could only go so long without certain comforts of the developed world... but I don't know what I would do without artists and writers.  They're the ones who helped me do without technology before, and give me hope now.  They build my courage to share truths, which will hopefully add to something larger where everyone plays a role to make this world whole

Monday, January 20, 2020

Yes, the content of our character, a work always in progress

Thursday, January 16, 2020

I am thankful for those who have worked to ensure our freedoms, rights and liberties

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Life involves stress

I was very lucky to have the most incredibly relaxing Sunday in a while.  So, of course, on Monday, the water main burst at a subway station on the way to work.  I had left home thirty minutes early because it was the first day of a new session.  This is the third time the train has acted up when I've left early for work.  Why did it happen Monday?  They say that fluctuating temperatures might have been the cause, and perhaps climate change could be related, as they are seeing more and more of these events in the city each year.  Luckily I was able to text work early on when I noticed things were slow, and I got there eventually.  The new people seem nice.

An hour into work, without being dropped or anything like that, my phone got a purple smudge in the corner... and then it slowly began to absorb the rest of the screen.  I looked it up, and people on previous online forums said that it would be black by the end of the night, and they were right.  Today I was lucky to get a new phone without having to spend that much money.

Several hours later, I learned from the television in the main area there was a feud about something said between my favorite candidates for president of the United States.  A controversial comment was said to be made during a private meeting, which, as the name would denote, means that any human not present could not possibly have any way of knowing what was said and what was not said.  Each voter who was considering either of them is left with the matter of which one we trust or have faith in... which... ?

The train worked fine today and I got the new phone, and there will be nice weather tomorrow, although still unseasonably warm.  On top of that, yet another debate is up, there are fewer candidates, and having chosen to use much of my free time to learn about political situations, I really think I need to read some fiction sooner than later.  The city is stressful enough without protracted arguments between my favorite candidates in a decade that involve whether "in the past thirty years" includes exactly thirty years ago.

Anyway, I am thankful for the help I continue to receive

Saturday, January 11, 2020


When I was studying government in college, one of my favorite professors taught us about American Social Movements.  Her name was Elizabeth Sanders.

A few days ago I finished reading A Fighting Chance, Elizabeth Warren's memoir.  I'm glad she's still got one at the presidency.  I was vaguely aware of her during the battle to get the CFPB, enjoying some of the video clips after the fact, but in those days I was thinking more about traveling and the world, and wasn't interested in the intricacies of the economy.  I've been very impressed with her since I resumed following politics more closely in the past five years, and hoped she would run four years ago.  In Brooklyn in 2017, at the most expensive wedding I've ever been to, I proclaimed to both Democratic and Republican friends that she would be the next president, mostly because her values and her physical appearance resembled those of my mother (also, her mother, my Grandma Barbara, who was a high school history teacher who taught a class named Problems of Consumer Democracy).  My libertarian/republican friend replied that he would vote for my mother.  I'd had a lot of champagne though, so maybe he was humoring me.  Either way, none of us will vote in swing states.

Today I began reading three books, written by Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, and Bernie Sanders.  I've been a fan of the latter ever since I began watching lesser known political films in college in the Bush years.  Having spent large parts of many summers across the lake from Burlington, Vermont, I was wowed it was the home of the only congressman brave enough to tell the truth about what was going on in America.  I was impressed with his last campaign, and amazed he got such a following, but was annoyed when it got nasty at the end and my Bernie friends spent more time bashing Hillary than Donald in the months leading up to the election.  I still know people who are all in for him, and only him. They won't even consider alternatives, not even Warren, who, if elected, would have the most liberal platform in American history.

Example: we have a meeting at work, and they buy us pizza.  When it's over, there are four slices left, and when people ask if they should have more, I encourage them to, because if it gets wasted, they will end up in the garbage, creating methane and contributing to climate change.  A colleague fond of Marx once again says, "There is no ethical consumption under capitalism."

I inquire with feigned seriousness, "Exactly how does one make a Communist Pizza?  (Is that what the CCCP stood for?)"

Another replies, "Many hands in the dough."

We'd been discussing the election months ago, and he was Bernie or bust.  He really cares about working people and the disadvantaged, so I was surprised when he scoffed at Warren, and once expressed a very strong distaste for her because she'd applauded when the president criticized communism at the State of the Union.  I brought up the dire need to take any steps possible to fight climate change, to save life, and he said if it isn't Bernie, it doesn't matter.  I tried an analogy referencing another existential crisis, the second World War.  Even though I didn't think it was even close to applying to any Democratic candidates, I said that even Roosevelt, when faced with choosing between Hitler and Stalin, correctly chose the latter, even though I'd imagine he would have preferred to avoid both.  Before I could finish he laughed and said that he would be Stalin in that equation.  I was beside myself that he would want to be, statistically, the most murderous man in history.  Later he would admit he was joking and that there's no excuse for Soviet apologists, and claimed that he was more of a Lenin fan, and that socialist ideas had worked decently in some countries.

Back to when we were eating pizza.  The democratic-socialist, whom I like and respect, says, "C'mon man, that's Hobsbawm," referring to his quote.  He is aware that I'd just spent much of the previous five weeks reading world-renowned British Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm (with a break for Benjamin Franklin's autobiography around Thanksgiving, because it seemed to fit the mood a little more).  A couple months before I'd been reading Eric Foner talk about American social movements, and he had referenced Hobsbawm's masterful four volume Eurocentric world history covering the period between 1789 and 1991: The Age of RevolutionThe Age of CapitalThe Age of Empire, and The Age of Extremes, adding up to more than 1500 pages.  I'd been looking for a decent written summary of modern European history, and he didn't disappoint.  Whatever one may think of his politics, the unparalleled detail of his history has been lauded by historians spanning the political spectrum, even right-wingers such as Niall Ferguson.  He criticizes the CCCP extensively throughout the fourth volume of his history, even though he hadn't let his membership in the party expire until the 1980's.  He also wrote a book about jazz, which he loved almost as much as history.  Unfortunately, while he was naive by overestimating the staying power of the Soviet Union, he was also naive by underestimating the staying power of The Rolling Stones and 60's rock music.  Having said that, I highly recommend each volume.  Whatever he has to say about ethical consumption, though, one shouldn't waste food... especially not pizza, whether mercantile, capitalist or communist.

If my colleague gets his wish and Bernie is the nominee, he will have difficulty getting anything he desires to become law, but he will still have a very positive impact, especially when it comes to the most important issue, the environment where we exist.  Also, it will be a very important psychological victory for those who have felt shut out of the political process their entire lives.  I will have a better idea of where I stand on his candidacy after I complete his book.  I'm enjoying learning about his youth, how he formed his values, and how he braved northeast winters while living in a cabin in Vermont.

Similar to Sanders, after years as an Independent, I recently became a registered Democrat, several months ago to be exact.  I did so because I wanted to finally have a say in the nomination.  However, I haven't decided who has my vote yet.  Like most Democrats, I want someone who will win, not because I think the current president is offensive, but because humanity's livable future on the only planet in our solar system capable of sustaining life simply cannot afford another four years of a White House occupied by the GOP.  However, it also can't afford four to eight years of a Democrat who won't really fight hard on this issue or make it a top priority.

If it does turn out to be Joe Biden, I liked his speech at the convention in 2016, and I think he's fought many great fights in his life.  I just wish he was more on board with ideas that are necessary to save our civilization on Earth.  Also, both he and Bernie would be governing the nation as octogenarians.  Noam Chomsky is still sharp as they come at 90, but my grandmother had Alzheimer's by 80, and my grandfather kept asking me if I still played baseball every time he saw me, even though I hadn't played in a decade.  Even so, Bernie and Joe still have brains that are in far better shape than that of our current commander-in-chief.

Whomever we choose as a candidate, they need to be fun.  Regardless of whom I would prefer to spend time with or lead the nation, as long as I've been alive, the winner is always perceived as more fun than their opponent.  They're funnier, cooler, and seem more like the life of the party.  I know that might be hard to believe about the current president, because, honestly, I've always thought he was lame and boring, and I still think so.  I've seen his show.  Not interesting.  But enough people thought he was cool and funny, and here we are.  I don't believe that people vote that way intentionally, but it inevitably seems to manifest from our collective subconscious.

Until November, I'm devoting more free hours to reading, writing, printing and pondering how I can best make a valuable impact on the outcome, just as any member of the most influential nation on our fragile planet should be doing.  Of course, the day to day matters the most, which means living positively in our present with an eye on the future.

When I need to step away from the modern issues, I like to read one or more essays in Albert Einstein's Ideas and Opinions, just to put everything into relative perspective.  Some of his writing is about abstract intellectual concepts, some of which are way over my head.  But many of the themes are political, and tend to center around his antipathy toward fascists and anti-intellectuals.  On top of that, he expresses many apt appraisals of the value of human rights and listening to scientists.

Wisdom, courage and perseverance!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Next: In Focus

This year, I will keep you abreast of books I read.  Soon I will apply hindsight to those I read in 2019, but for now, we'll apply it to the events of this day.

1st, I wake up.  Not a bad start.

Then, I have warm running water, a working toilet with plumbing, and I feel oh so clean and refreshed, although sleep deprived, as usual.

Next, I have clothes to wear.  Shelter, check.  Clothing, check.  What's missing?  Ah yes.  There is food to eat, refrigerated, clean, healthy.  There are clean plates and dishes, despite the best efforts of some roommates.

I have a reason to get up early and be sleep deprived, so I go outside, get on the electrically-powered train, and resume reading the book I began on Saturday.  I've only got about 100 pages left, and I intend to read them today.

I have decided the first book I should read in 2020 is 1776, a Pulitzer Prize winner by David McCullough, which covers the ragtag revolutionary army's battles against the British in Boston, Brooklyn/Long Island and Harlem, before finally triumphing in Trenton.  I feel fortunate to be able to read while living in New York in the United States of America in 2020.  Unfortunately, I'm on the chapter where fortune is frowning upon them.  They've just retreated from my neighborhood, Harlem Heights, and although there have been some courageous creative achievements, victories haven't been accumulating in New York these days.

I went to work, and we actually found inspiration from the pyramids via a test essay about The Alchemist.  I wrote a much longer version of this essay that I am saving for publication at a later time.  For now I can say I read a lot about persevering and talked with people about exceptional and influential people who have made impacts on this world, especially those who "have a way with words."

Anyway, like I said, another story for another day.  I came home, cleaned the dishes, cooked the food, and ate, and after that, I completed reading 1776.

Yes, I smiled when Washington got up and won another

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

1st: Roaring 2020's

I will write, publish, read, learn, move, explore and love even more than I have before