Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Life involves stress

I was very lucky to have the most incredibly relaxing Sunday in a while.  So, of course, on Monday, the water main burst at a subway station on the way to work.  I had left home thirty minutes early because it was the first day of a new session.  This is the third time the train has acted up when I've left early for work.  Why did it happen Monday?  They say that fluctuating temperatures might have been the cause, and perhaps climate change could be related, as they are seeing more and more of these events in the city each year.  Luckily I was able to text work early on when I noticed things were slow, and I got there eventually.  The new people seem nice.

An hour into work, without being dropped or anything like that, my phone got a purple smudge in the corner... and then it slowly began to absorb the rest of the screen.  I looked it up, and people on previous online forums said that it would be black by the end of the night, and they were right.  Today I was lucky to get a new phone without having to spend that much money.

Several hours later, I learned from the television in the main area there was a feud about something said between my favorite candidates for president of the United States.  A controversial comment was said to be made during a private meeting, which, as the name would denote, means that any human not present could not possibly have any way of knowing what was said and what was not said.  Each voter who was considering either of them is left with the matter of which one we trust or have faith in... which... ?

The train worked fine today and I got the new phone, and there will be nice weather tomorrow, although still unseasonably warm.  On top of that, yet another debate is up, there are fewer candidates, and having chosen to use much of my free time to learn about political situations, I really think I need to read some fiction sooner than later.  The city is stressful enough without protracted arguments between my favorite candidates in a decade that involve whether "in the past thirty years" includes exactly thirty years ago.

Anyway, I am thankful for the help I continue to receive

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