Saturday, December 31, 2016

Goodbye, Hello

I returned the Jetta Wagen to my parents' house the weekend after visiting Woodstock.  The night before I enjoyed my final long ride by passing through the town of Woodstock, which has always been on my way to and from the city, but I'd never bothered to take time to check out.  Not only did Bob Dylan live there and record some epic albums with The Band, but long before that my hero Joseph Campbell lived in a small shack in the woods, reading books for 5 years, pretty much mastering the subject of mythology.

 I soon realized after getting into my new (well, new for me) Japanese car that I'd driven it before, with my cousin, in 2009, on the way to my third Bonnaroo, the one where I got the smile scar...

Also, after 9 years of avoiding the trend, I joined the rest of humanity.  That is, I acquiesced and received a free smart phone as part of a family plan, since it has a lower monthly cost than my other phone anyway.  1 week later I developed a floater in my eye, so I was very skeptical of the future, but four months later, I think I've got the hang of it, and the wave of addiction that seems to affect most new smartphone users seems to have only moderately afflicted me.  It's very useful for reading news articles when students are wrapped up in a 20 minute group activity and I can only walk around asking if anyone has any questions so many times.

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