Thursday, March 6, 2014

One of Those Thoughts

So it just occurred to me that it has basically been close to five years since I left New York City to experience the rest of the world as much (533) as the rest of the world wanted me to experience it.  I also realized that at some time in the early winter of 2009 I decided that I had had enough of New York for one journey and that I wanted to go on an adventure to as many exotic, strange and spiritually inspiring places to be in the world around me.  Be free.  I didn’t know at the time that I was about to embark not only on one journey, but three separate journeys around the world, plus one year working abroad.  As of April 10 I will have lived five years since leaving this city (641) to experience, live, connect to and love as much of the world as possible given whatever story the world was flowing itself into being all involved, you and yours truly included.  Now I am back in New York City, and by the five-year anniversary I will have also been back here for five months.  Spring will be just beginning to bloom.  Cherry blossoms, Central Park, long walks and explorations of art everywhere I can see it, be it, and free (718) it (if needed).  NEW (723 (724) York

After the realization I walked to the river to see the moon smiling high above, through the haze that made its smile glow at whatever show that makes the sky smile so.  Will we ever know?

One year ago I began putting the finishing touches on my first book.

This evening I read over the first chapter of my next book.  I feel very good about it.  It is going much more slowly than the first project, but that is good because it is a completely different expression.  The style, the structure, the content, the flow, the feel and the message are all different from the first book, although certain themes and events continue to overlap because that's just how the world's web works.

It's coming.

Bear with me :)

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