Friday, March 14, 2014


Today is the end of the week, and I am celebrating by having a couple great friends over to my place for some wine before going out on the town.  I haven't entertained friends in my own place (not counting places my family owns upstate) in almost exactly one year.  This isn't counting hanging out with roommates in my room, but I haven't entertained guests since this same weekend one year ago, when my friend Jack came to visit on his way from two years in the Peace Corps. in Tonga to his new life in Australia.  He visited for three days and then moved on.  Since then I've seen many friends and done many things with people like any normal person would, but because I've moved so much and spent so much time in a place (California) where I didn't know anyone, I haven't actually entertained anyone in my own place to be.  This new place is nothing to rave about, but it's something.  It's got a great location.  In fact, yesterday I walked over to the park by the Hudson River and ran around with a flying bag in the wind.  That reminded me of San Francisco, where I would walk up the hill to get a great view of the whole city and bay.  Now I have a view of the George Washington Bridge, where light meets water.

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