Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I've been reading a piece I wrote about finding peace on a mountain in Asia in 2010.  I would like to report that I have finally gotten around to changing the name of the river in Tiger Leaping Gorge to the Jingsha instead of the Yangtze, "a amazing" to "an amazing" and the subject pronoun "who" to the object pronoun "whom."  I suppose years teaching English would give me a better eye for those details.  That said, I think in some very important ways, I was much wiser then.  At least I wrote it so I would remember now!

I actually have millions of things to say today, but I'm practicing patience and working through said thoughts carefully.  Until I find the right ways of words, I wish you peace of mind

Monday, May 27, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019

65 after 64, you say

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

I'm walking around thinking, as I like to do, and I think I've been in this neighborhood for a really long time.  And then I wonder how long, do some simple math, and realize it's been 64 months.  Quite a number, that sixty-four.

So this morning I gotta help the class learn something that involves listening to someone who has a voice that isn't mine, and today I decide on a ten minute video about the psychology of games.  We talk about our favorite games, and Mario Kart 64 comes up a few times.

And now we've got that unexpected news from the Rocky Mountains...

Super Mario has gotta be smiling right about now.

Either that or break dancing

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I think of beautiful humans in journey energy's adventure drama, humor, joy