Thursday, December 31, 2020

You're reading, which means you're still here, living, breathing, sensing, feeling, thinking.  That in itself is an accomplishment.  Celebrate yourself tonight, and welcome a new spin around the ball. If you have loved one's who have left, I wish you comfort, strength and love to help you through years ahead.  Beyond that, remember: a life worth living goes up and down and up while our world spins round and round.

Hindsight is 2020, and what is clear to me is that we have always been lucky to be with other spirits to share experiences, and whenever we are without something or someone, if we're willing to learn, we understand that we are being taught to be thankful for and truly appreciate what we often take for granted.  It is important to develop an ability to enjoy existence on your own, alone, while perhaps also taking some breaks from your phone.  Of equal importance is to love people and be with them when you can, because you never know where and when we're gonna go amid the trials and triumphs in the universal show.

In 2021, we should get together and have some fun

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Something New

28 inches of snow overnight made for a fun stroll this afternoon

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Move Activity

 A cloudy afternoon splitting firewood

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Giving Some Thanks

I composed this on Thanksgiving night.  It isn't writing so much as a "thankful" list.  Very simple, and true.

What am I thankful for in 2020?

The obvious.  I am thankful my loved ones and I are alive and well.

I am thankful for healthy food

I am thankful I survived covid and without complications, while maybe getting immunity

I am thankful my parents have been safe, and my relatives, and my friends

I am thankful I was able to move to the lake from NYC in the pandemic and to live in the cabin, and live eight months in the camp

I am thankful my parents did all that work to prepare it and keep it going and pay the taxes

I am thankful they went along with my plan to live there until November, possibly even Thanksgiving, and that water pipes didn’t freeze, and our pump still worked, and we got firewood.

I am thankful for views of the lake in three seasons, and sort of four with the snows and freezing temperatures in early spring and late autumn

I am thankful for technology to make connections and various entertainments possible in this time where we are without normal human interaction

I am thankful I have been able to continue teaching my class with so many positive people I am very lucky to speak with, even see here and there

I am thankful dad repaired my canoe after pulling it from the lake five years ago

I am thankful for being able to go canoeing so much

I am thankful for kayaking

I am thankful for hiking, and for all mountains which made it possible

I am thankful for creativity, writing, imagination

I am thankful for having and reading so many books

I am thankful for being able to watch television in the cabin

I am thankful for kind neighbors

I am thankful for employers giving me Listening & Speaking for so long

I am thankful for students who have requested keeping me as their teacher

I am thankful for being able to use the car to go to the forest to teach and ride home

I am thankful for the improvements we made on the camp over the years

I am thankful friends visited me

I am thankful organization makes complexity possible

I am thankful for the farm, forests, fields, ponds, brook

I am thankful for mind enhancers in all ways

I am thankful for women who bring joy

I am thankful for having so much opportunity to see the stars

I am thankful for waves and their sounds

I am thankful for sitting by the fireplace, or on the beach

I am thankful for the dock

I am thankful for the rain keeping the water level high enough to use a pump

I am thankful for having an island to canoe to, and that night with the fireflies and leaping fish

I am thankful for the warm blankets, electric ones, couch, chairs, tables, and having many rooms so I wouldn’t need to work or relax in the same room where I slept

I am thankful for getting away from the traffic and construction noises

I am thankful for escaping from having so many roommates

I am thankful for having functioning transportation to go to mountains

I am thankful for America voting to evict the current president

I am thankful I am living life in a way I enjoy well into my 37th year amidst here

I am thankful I’ve been able to really enjoy such tasty food and all the other pleasures

I am so thankful for being able to listen such beautiful music whenever I want

I am thankful to explore so much new music

I am thankful for electricity

I am thankful for water

I am thankful for clean air

I am thankful for the modern civilization connecting life to produce what bliss we know

I am thankful I get such enjoyment

I am thankful I have a brain, heart, courage, strong body with creative imagination

I am thankful my voice works

I am thankful I can see the world’s wondrous beauty

I am thankful I can hear the music of the spheres

I am thankful my nose works scenting magic

I am thankful my taste buds deliver grace

I am thankful my feet and legs and toes help me walk

I am thankful my arms, fingers, hands help me touch and feel

I am thankful for my nervous system

I am thankful for my circulatory system

I am thankful for my respiratory system

I am thankful for my endocrine system

I am thankful for my digestive system

I am thankful for my excretory system

I am thankful for my skeletal system

I am thankful for my muscular system

I am thankful for my reproductive system, unit, balls, and orgasms

I am thankful I have skin

I am thankful I have hair

I am thankful I have shelter

I am thankful I have clothes

I am thankful I have money and ways to get money to exchange for goods and services

I am thankful I have a degree, from an Ivy League institution at that

I am thankful I have licenses, such as a driver’s license and passport

I am thankful I have health insurance I have barely used

I am thankful I have a job I enjoy where I get control over what we do

I am thankful I have a working car

I am thankful I have my laptop and places to store files

I am thankful I have a new phone to replace all others

I am thankful we have better faster internet

I am thankful for so much abundance

I am thankful for constant availability of nature

I am thankful for so many great news sources and information sites

I am thankful for amazing television shows

I am thankful for musical artists, whether old or new

I am thankful for all the writers who educate while somehow entertaining

I am thankful I get to live this incredible journey

I am thankful I’ve traveled on so many adventures to become stronger, more confident, with various great experiences, lessons, stories, joys, people to love

I am thankful I know many ways to use letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, pages, ideas, wisdom, language, knowledge

I am (most likely) thankful I know you, if I do

I am thankful for battles won

I am thankful there is a 2021