Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Move

One year ago I was putting the finishing touches on packing for my cross-country move from New York to California.  The next day I said good bye to my parents and drove west into the sunset, literally, which was annoying because the sun was in my eyes.

Tonight I'm putting the much easier finishing touches on packing for my flight to Mexico tomorrow.  I'm going to see my beloved cousins Mike and Dan, who I've known forever.  The first time I ever went camping was with them.  They will be the first family I've seen in exactly one year.

The only other time I went to Mexico was on 12/15/10, flying from San Francisco, so I could stand on top of the Pyramid of the Sun.  This time I'm going to the Dreams Inn.

This weekend I thought a lot about everything that happened in between.  I thought about all of the amazing experiences I was fortunate to pursue, all of the dangerous situations I escaped from, and all of the unexpected tests and rewards.  Looking back, I can't really think of anything I would change except I would have found a way to spend less money and start making more money earlier, so that things would be easier for me now.  That being said, I have all of the physical and mental equipment I need to keep improving the quality of life that I live and my ability to improve the lives of others, so I can't really complain.  I'm currently ambivalent about staying in California, but I do have a job that I kind of like for now and feeds me income, so unless something miraculously more enticing comes along, I'm staying put for now.

I think the main reason I did this American journey beyond the actual experiences of this country's beauty was to develop myself and become as adaptable as possible.  I think I've done the best I could in that sense.  I gained plenty of material for stories that can provide inspiration, pleasure and direction, and I lived life as much as I could.  That's the most I could ask for on my path.

In class today we discussed the things we take for granted in life.  I think the first thing I take for granted is being alive.  I also take for granted many of my material possessions, and my friends and family.  I've been doing my best lately not to take them for granted, but it's a process that continues as long as you live.

What do you take for granted?

If you think about it, you just might find yourself loving what you have even more than you already do, and feeling happier as a result.  If there's something you desire with your heart and have not received yet, perhaps this approach will help speed things along.

Right now I have a place to be, and friends and family, and I am free.  I also have imagination, poetry and an appreciation of mystery.

Thank you to everyone and everything that has made this possible for me.

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