Wednesday, February 27, 2013


The first sign from love above is:


The Equator is the largest circle around the life ball

People say it divides the world in two

They forget that it is an imaginary line

It shows the world that its opposites are
what give the life sphere balance and make life possible

The longest true circle you could walk around the Earth is the Equator.

“The universe is shaped exactly like the earth,
If you go straight long enough you end up where you were.”
-Modest Mouse, “3rd Planet”

A circle is a zero.
The Equator is zero degrees.
All are equal in zero.

“God is an intelligible sphere—
a sphere known to the mind, not to the senses—
whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.
And the center, Bill, is right where you’re sitting.
And the other one is right where I’m sitting.
And each of us is a manifestation of that mystery.”
-Joseph Campbell

“The trick is this:
Keep your eye on the ball.
Even when you can’t see the ball.”
-Tom Robbins

The Equator has the most warmth of anywhere on Earth.
It is hot and sticky and flowing with waters of life.
I have been over the Equator many times,
silently flowing through the heart of we.

It is a mystery

flowing through you and me:

the universal equality

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