Wednesday, April 22, 2020

When I awoke this morning on the planet Earth, the specific little piece where I've lately enjoyed sustenance and support had an average kinetic energy expressed as 26 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale, or, that is, according to how most of the planet Earth perceives of such things, minus 3 degrees Celsius.  The only time there had been so little kinetic energy dancing around was the night I arrived, when snow coated the ground.

I enjoyed virtual company of eleven people from various environments, circumstances, surroundings, climates and ranges of kinetic energy measurements.  Then we watched a video performance about identity, did writing, reading and conversing about all the diverse aspects of our being that form who we are, and then made some attempt at describing ourselves.

Next, we read from Henry Beston, the naturalist who lived a year on Cape Cod and produced splendid prose to evoke his spiritual experience of what is provided by the Earth.  Afterward, I read them a few poems and prayers from Earth Prayers.

Soon I was watching the sun on the mountains and listening to the waters and wind in the trees, thankful to be enjoying nature after such a cold morning inside, and all the more thankful I have enough warm clothing to spend time surrounded with pine, which provides heat as I write

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