Monday, December 16, 2013

Waking Up

I am awake!  A new day in the world!  I would like to thank the universe for letting me be alive and fueling me at this very moment, and sending me to beautiful places and experiences through exertion and connection with other human beings.  I am grateful I will have absolutely sublime music to listen to as I go to and from work, that I only have to work four hours instead of eight, that I will have the spotlight in a room full of people from around the world and that I can teach them something I know like the back of my hand, and that this will lead to me receiving some paper representative of wealth.  This paper will allow me to continue to eat food, transport my being to interesting places, and eventually move into my own place to be.  I am grateful that I have a great friend who is giving me my current place to be, and I am grateful that although it is a living room, it is basically a private room because nobody else lives here and he has his own room.  I am especially grateful that there is an indoor bathroom with a full toilet seat, as opposed to the holes in the ground they had in India, or nothing at all like I had when I was camping in the snow.  Running hot water in the shower is also an amazing gift.  I’m very happy that I am going to be awake enough to read on the subway today, because I finally have a normal pillow that gives me a good night’s rest.  I am especially thankful that I have food in the refrigerator to keep me alive, healthy, energetic, strong and alert.  I am amazed that even though there will be points during the day where I pause and think, “I’m paying all of these loans from seven years ago and this is what I’m doing with my brain?” I will also have moments where I pause and remember, “I have the rest of the day to express the other experiences and challenges I’ve used my educated brain to pursue and embrace.I am ecstatic that I was able to break away from the grind and have these experiences, survive them and enjoy them, and that if I use the education I am fortunate to have in a way that expresses the truth of these experiences with maximum informative inspirational entertainment value, I just might not have to teach people grammar ever again.  I am energized by this song this morning.  Inspiration for creation:

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